What We Buy

Momentum Metals Recycling Center. See below for details on what we buy at our recycling center:

Things We’ll Buy

  • E-Scrap (computers, phones, laptops, tablets)
  • Steel/Iron
  • Tin
  • Cast Iron
  • Stainless Steel
  • Aluminum Cans
  • Aluminum
  • Copper #1
  • Copper #2
  • Brass
  • Lead Batteries
  • Zinc
  • Assorted Alloys
  • Radiators
  • Appliances

Things We Won’t Buy/Recycle

  • Microwaves
  • Acetylene Cylinders
  • Munitions and Bullets
  • Target Range Scrap
  • Explosives
  • Mercury-containing materials
  • Asbestos-containing Materials
  • Radioactive Materials
  • Wire Cable (steel)
  • Electric Capacitors
  • Sealed Containers

Metal Recycling

Metal Recycling in Mansfield and Burleson. We buy and sell metals! Give us a call with specific questions on metal recycling and what types of metals we buy and sell.


Electronics Recycling in Mansfield and Burleson. We buy and sell electronics! Give us a call with specific questions on electronics recycling and what types of electronics we buy and sell.


Scrap Recycling in Mansfield and Burleson. We buy and sell scrap! Give us a call with specific questions on scrap recycling and what types of scrap we buy and sell.


If you have any questions, please call our customer service or click on the chat button below.

How do I place an order?

Call one of our friendly agents to order or compile your order online. 

How do I schedule my pickup?

Place your order by phone and our representative will put you on the pick up schedule. If you order in person, we will give you instructions where to pick up your materials.

How do you verify the weight of my materials?

When you drive into the yard there is a scale to weight which is noted, and after your materials are loaded you are weighed on the way out of the loading yard.

What type of payment methods do you accept?

We accept all major credit cards, cashiers check and verified business checks.

Do you provide credit terms?

Credit worthy businesses can apply to our accounting department for approval. For large Metal Buildings and volume purchases, we can refer you to approved finance companies to make long term payments for high cost buildings and materials.

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