How to Stay Safe

For your safety, while at Momentum Metals & Recycling

  • Do not climb in or on bins
  • Watch out for heavy equipment
  • Make sure operator notices you before moving around mobile equipment
  • Only enter the unloading areas when instructed
  • DO NOT climb on or take from scrap piles, unless you are instructed to do so
  • Observe “No Smoking” and “Do Not Enter” signs
  • Watch out for pedestrians while driving (especially when backing up)
  • Speed limit is 5 mph
  • Follow all directions of the person weighing you in or instructing you

We also encourage you to dress appropriately to handle scrap – closed toed shoes, gloves, eye protection, etc.

Momentum Metals & Recycling’s primary concerns have always included the protection of the environment, the health and safety of our employees and visitors, and compliance with the many laws and regulations affecting our operations. As part of our efforts to stay on top of the increasingly complex laws and regulations, we have identified those materials that we can safely and efficiently recycle and those that we cannot.